
2014年04月07日 00:00:57NBA官方微博




The team, obviously we haven’t had the success that we wanted on the court but off the court it’s been a great situation,” Anthony said. “You don’t always have that when teams are in this type of situation. That’s made it a lot easier being in a good locker room with a good group of guys。” - See more at: http://hoopshype.com/rumors.htm#sthash.J8WB4jOJ.dpuf
The team, obviously we haven’t had the success that we wanted on the court but off the court it’s been a great situation,” Anthony said. “You don’t always have that when teams are in this type of situation. That’s made it a lot easier being in a good locker room with a good group of guys。” - See more at: http://hoopshype.com/rumors.htm#sthash.J8WB4jOJ.dpuf
The team, obviously we haven’t had the success that we wanted on the court but off the court it’s been a great situation,” Anthony said. “You don’t always have that when teams are in this type of situation. That’s made it a lot easier being in a good locker room with a good group of guys。” - See more at: http://hoopshype.com/rumors.htm#sthash.J8WB4jOJ.dpuf

